Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Blessing

The Smith & Pratt Families

We felt especially blessed this Easter!

Jennifer and Jared made an unexpected trip to Utah
because of the death of Jared's good friend, Cameron Merrill.

They decided to have Amaya blessed here because so many
family members would be able to come.

All of our family including my parents, Mick's parents, sister and husband
came. Jared's Parent's, two brothers and family were also able to be there.
My two sister's and families were able to join with us for our Easter Celebration.

Jared gave Amaya a beautiful blessing. The spirit was sweet watching
the men in our families using the
Priesthood Power they hold to bless this angelic baby.

After Church we had a great time visiting and feasting on our Easter Dinner.
I am so very thankful for all of our family members who made this day
so memorable. We truly felt blessed this day!!

Saturday Night we colored eggs with the grandchildren.
Jackson loved coloring his eggs blue.

They all loved coloring the eggs.
After coloring one Rachel would say
"I want to color another one". It was so cute.

Madeline showing her bright pink egg.

I think this was the first time in at least
7 years to have the family all
together for Easter.

I am thankful for the Atoning Sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
It is hard to comprehend all that he has done on my behalf.
I felt strengthened and renewed as I heard Easter messages both in conference
and in our Sacrament meeting this special Sunday.
I know that Jesus Christ lives!!!
I love the renewing season of Spring. It is a reminder to me
that because of the Savior, I too will live again.
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Bon said...

That is neat that they were able to do it there. And what a fun way to spend a night with family coloring eggs. Your grandkids are all so cute! You have been very blessed. I am glad you had a great Easter!

Whitney said...

You have a beautiful family.