Friday, October 2, 2009

Grandparents Day

Morgan and I in front of the class tree.

I went to my first Grandparents day.
It was fun seeing Morgan with her kindergarten class.

I don't feel old enough to be a Grandparent of a kindergartner!

Each day their teacher has a question on the board.
They put their paper doll under their answer. It also lets
the teacher know that they are in class for the day.

According to Morgan I am 80 years old!
I thought I looked young compared to some
of the other grandparents in the room.

Morgan also filled out a paper about me.
One question was what is your Grandma's job?
Morgan said that I did Laundry.
I thought that was pretty funny.

The two kindergarten classes did a little play for us.
Morgan played the part of CoCo.
A little girl that couldn't wait to visit her Grandma.

She was so cute and did a great job.
She even had a line which she did perfectly!

I'm her Grandma...I can say that!!

After they sang some songs for us we had our snacks together.

It was a fun day and I hope to be able to go to more
Grandparent days in the future!
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1 comment:

Melissa said...

I like your post. Thank you so much for going with Morgan. I'm sure it's a fun memory for her to have with you. I'm glad you enjoyed the day. Thanks :)