We are so excited to have this little baby boy join our family. We have now been blessed with 9 grandchildren. Wow!! We still can't believe we have that many.
As I wait for each birth of these grandchildren I am truly amazed at the miracle of birth. I think even more so now than when I was having my own children. The veil to this life and the next is very thin. I especially have felt that this past week. I am so thankful for the support of all our family. Those who live on the earth now and those who have already left this earth life.
When I was a teenager I first read a poem called "My Day Old Child" by Carol Lynn Pearson. I have always loved this poem and it came to mind this week after the birth of Landon.
My day old child
with my lips against his ear
I whispered strongly "How I wish,
I wish that you could hear,
"I've a hundred wonderful things to say
(a tiny cough and nod)
Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
so I can tell you about God."
My day old baby's mouth was still
and my words only tickled his ear,
but a kind of light passed through his eyes.
and I saw this thought appear,
"How I wish I had a voice and words,
I've a hundred things to say,
Before I forget, I'd tell you of God,
I left Him yesterday."