Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Turkey Bowl and Black Friday Shopping

Picture proof that Mick really did play in the Turkey Bowl.
(Thanks to Jennifer's friend)

Every Thanksgiving Mick plays in the annual Turkey Bowl.
This year was no exception. Jared and Mick went to a park close by and played with about 10 other guys. They had a great time, won and came home with no injuries! A successful Turkey Bowl.

We don't have a picture to prove that we got up early for shopping Friday but we were there. We left Jennifer's house about 4:30 a.m and arrived at Walmart about 4:45 a.m. We located some items we wanted and stood around the black plastic covered pallets. At 5:00 a.m. the pallets were uncovered and we grabbed for our goods. After getting a few other great deals we left and went to Target. Kaylie wanted to buy a camera but we didn't know if we would be to late. We hurried back to the camera bar and asked a clerk. Yes, he had the camera, he had just found 2 more. After a few other great deals and a long wait to pay...almost 45 minutes, we went home. We were home by 8:30 a.m. We are not hard core black Friday shoppers but we had fun and felt that we had a small victory that day!

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