Monday, August 11, 2008

Slipping & Sliding away!

The Smith Train!

Brian and Melissa set up this fun activity for our family.
We spent over 2 hours sliding down this hill....what a blast!!
We decided this has to be a new family tradition each summer. Everyone had a great time.
The family got pretty creative in going down the hill. Each time they tried a new way to go down.
They went as a train, on their backs, stomachs, sideways, knees, ect.
Jared was adventurous and tried a somersault down the slide.
Steven, Jared and Cameron even caught a football as they were sliding down.

Madeline and Brittany had fun watching everyone going down.

I love all the expressions on their faces.

Almost everyone in the group went down this time.
It was fun seeing how they were going down and then watching their reactions at the bottom of the hill.
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1 comment:

Bon said...

Wow what a great idea and looks like a blast!